In much of our lives, home, work, school, faith, and even recreational activities demand that we give of ourselves. Time, money, thought, energy all forms of personal sacrifice are required. Sometimes the demands are not too high, the cost is not too great, or the price is worth the benefit. But sometimes we get tired. When physical, mental, or spiritual fatigue strikes we may doubt the value of our activities, the sacrifices, our purpose. And the doubts can lead to loss. Unchecked we could lose well-being, peace, happiness, or even ourselves. This is not the life or experience we want. The good news is it’s not the kind of life God wants for us either.
Now, it is not possible to avoid getting tired. And truth is we like to rest on occasion. It brings refreshment, and renewal. So, what do we do? In talking about the path of faith and discipleship John Wesley taught three basic rules. The first, “Do No Harm”, trains us to be considerate of our impact on others and to take responsibility for it. Whatever we choose to say or do we do all we can to reduce or avoid causing harm to the lives of others. The second, “Do good”, gives direction to our responsibility, how to think about consequences before we make our choices, and guides us to do what we can to make a positive difference in the lives of others. The concern that comes from applying these two rules is that we become drained or exhausted, feeling like everything is taking from us and nothing is replenishing or encouraging. And who wants to just pour out all we’ve got? That can’t be the “better life” God promises.
As Jesus says, God knows our need before we ask (Matthew 6:8). So, to overcome weariness, to “re-charge our batteries” Wesley gives us rule #3: Do the Good Stuff. The “good stuff” are the things that build us up and keep the energy flowing. There are several things we can do that help us to feel better and live better and empowers our following through with rules 1 and 2.
The Good Stuff:
Read the Bible Daily A lot or a little, spend time with God’s word every day.
Pray Daily Spend time with God, can’t ask help from one you don’t know.
Go to Church Weekly Worship with faith community, gain support & encouragement.
Spiritual Friendships Spend time with faith friends, for fun & support.
Take Sacraments Do not block the ways that God can bless and help you.
By spending a little energy on yourself and your spiritual growth, you will find the encouragement and strength you need to continue to make a great difference in the world and to live well through or in spite of everything that happens. And that is indeed worth it.