The study of karate begins with physical fitness and the use of hands, feet and their bodies and techniques for self defense. The student soon learns that the art includes significant life enhancing principles that lie beneath the surface. These principles help you to master yourself mentally and physically. Karate teaches physical skills and self control and builds self discipline and mental sharpness. The disciplines and skills training build self-confidence, and the team spirit of good training helps build good citizenship and responsibility.
The art is taught to help one to defend against all sorts of adversity and/or opponents with the mind (making intelligent choices and responsible speech); speed, strength and techniques; and increased awareness and swift response. Though weapons training has a place at the more advanced levels, the primary focus is to equip a person to be resourceful and able to deal with life effectively with or without tools or advantage.
In the Shuto Society we teach many important maxims of character. Here are posted a few to give a taste of the content and focus of our approach to martial arts and life:
Humility: “The more you show, the less you know”
Responsibility (for self and others): “To end conflict with the least harm possible to anyone and to enhance or improve the situation to the benefit of all, especially those in need.
Integrity: “The Martial Artist represents not only themselves, but school, instructor, and the art in all they say, do, and choose, all the time, everywhere.
Citizenship: “We have a stake in the wellbeing of the community and we have a responsibility to contribute to the safety and well being of individuals and society as a whole.
At Way Stations we offer simple basic training online. For deeper study and mastery of self and art we recommend you join a good school and train regularly.
Check with your doctor: The Shuto Society strongly encourages participants to discuss and seek advice and counsel with their doctor. Share your intentions and goals before beginning an exercise program and/or martial arts training.
For more information on the Shuto Society Schools, Lessons and Instructors email your request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Be sure to write “Martial Arts” in the subject line. Thank you.