The first step of faithful Christ following lifestyle is “Do No Harm”. It helps us to be aware of ourselves and our impact upon the lives of others, and to take responsibility for it. The next step in the faithful journey is “Do Good”. It takes the lessons learned in step 1 and helps us to grow outward by choosing to live in such a way as it improves the lives and circumstances of others. We work to improve the wellbeing of others.
Doing Good is based upon the first command of Jesus to his followers which is to “love others as I have loved you.” So, as intentional persons we take time to think before we speak or act and choose that which (to the best of our knowledge or effort) brings about the best possible results.
To “do good” is to take initiative. It is to consider someone else’s needs and responds. It is considerate, kind, thoughtful, compassionate. It is to devote oneself to making a positive difference in the lives of others whether friends or strangers. It is to include the outcast, to lift up the downtrodden, to be a friend to the friendless, to offer our best for the sake of others.
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