
"Using Projection & Screens" ~ Worship Provider Tips

Today many churches are considering the purchase and use of projectors and screens. In non-traditional churches the use of screens in worship is essential. Traditional churches have option, but much planning and promotion is required. The general idea is to add vitality and cultural relevance to the worship experience. In today’s North American culture each individual has access to multiple screens in their daily lives, often simultaneously. From GPS and head’s up displays in cars, to “smart phones”, multiple screen game platforms, computers and large screen TVs. Young people today can’t imagine life without screens. The church that is not sensitive or responsive to the cultural lifestyle of the people of its community is considered irrelevant and meaningless by that community.

Yet, all tools for worship need careful planning and effectively promoted and adopted in order to be accepted and supported. To help church to be effective in planning and implementation we offer the following questions. The use of multi-media tools in worship and programming can be a great addition to communication, mood and participation if it is planned, promoted and used effectively.
Screen Issues to Consider:
1. How will the screen be used? Will projection/screen be used in permanent or portable location? Will screen be a primary inspiration source or background? What will content be?
2. Will the screen be used in all or part of worship?; all or some worship services?
3. How will the screen and projection equipment be integrated in presentation space in most effective way? (Respect internal cultural diversity and needs.)
4. What is the plan to enlist congregation support for equipment and use? How will church manage the change and response to it?
5. Who will prepare screen content (insuring effective integration with full worship experience)? Screen & content must add to, not distract from worship or theme.
6. Who will operate the equipment?
7.  What are total costs? List ALL costs are reflected in the total (hardware, mounting, appearance, software, licensing, content).
Way Stations consulting services for multimedia design, worship planning, and implementation are available. For information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Greg Spencer:
Telephone:    724-858-5587
Mailing Address:
   Way Stations Ministries
   126 Elbrook Drive
   Natrona Heights, PA 15065


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