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Dear Visitor, Good Morning! Here is today’s thought for your consideration and our devotion: Allow me to invite you to a great thing happening this weekend: 2:00 PM this Sunday at the American Legion Hall in Jeannette, PA Band Together Pittsburgh is providing a FREE MUSIC CONCERT with some very fine musicians! In addition, we are providing free food and soft drinks to all who attend. The Season of Celebration has begun! What a weekend: with light up night; the start of Christmas Music on the radio; decorations, and great music! Don't miss out! I hope you will join us. We will be delighted to celebrate with you! Grace, Good Health, Wisdom, Hope, Love, Joy and Peace, Greg Greg Spencer, |
November 18, 2022 | WSM Email Devotion By Greg Spencer © 2022 All Rights Reserved Worldwide. |
“Then he said to them, “Go your way, eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions to him for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord; and do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10)
“The joy of the Lord is our strength” eh? Well, that may not be exactly where many are looking for their strength. We think of our own intellect, experience, physical prowess, insight, emotion; ourselves for the strength we need. Consequently, we may tend not to ask for or accept help. Yet so often the real challenges of our lives require greater than what we alone may have available. Hence, the irony of God and faith. Remember the song “Jesus Loves Me”? (“little ones to Him belong, they(we) are weak but he is strong”). Relying only upon ourselves, particularly in times of difficulty, we recognize our need, but rather than reaching out, relying upon, or accepting help, we oppress ourselves with inadequacy. Why do we do that?! It is not weakness to multiply our strength with the help of God and others. It is not weakness and we are not somehow less, when we accept the kindness, wisdom, comfort, counsel, encouragement and help from them. There is nothing wrong with accepting good will. Is not the power of support or successful solution more important than futile, helpless, and unfulfilling ego? Can we not see that faith, God, good friends and experts are also resources we have to endure, persevere, overcome and succeed? The truly faithful know, we have all we need. And even just that knowledge enables us to go forward with confidence and peace. The joy of the Lord, is realized and fulfilled when we rely on more than ourselves, so available, so free, so powerful, and so wonderfully everlasting, ever available, and ever accessible. It should not be a secret that “THE JOY OF THE LORD REALLY IS OUR STRENGTH”! Hallelujah! “Praise the Lord!” and “Thanks bra!” Suddenly it is a brighter, better day…and so is tomorrow! |