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 Dear Visitor, Good Morning! Here is today’s thought for your consideration and our devotion. AND, there are some wonderful things now available to you now, just as the holiday season begins:
This Sunday at 2:00 PM, there is a FREE CONCERT provided by Band Together Pittsburgh, at the American Legion Hall in Jeannette, Pa. There will be free food and soft drinks, and several great performers from "Band Together Pittsburgh". PLUS the new and rising star from "America's Got Talent, Ms. Aubrey Burchill is our featured performer. Come and become excited, inspired, impressed and happy at this amazing show!
7:30 PM, Wednesday, December 7, at the Carnegie Music Hall in Homestead, "A Very Yinzer Christmas" Concert will be presented live! Come see Pittsburgh's finest musicians and singers, including some from Band Together Pittsburgh, bringing in the spirit of Christmas to all! Advance tickets are only $20.00 ($30.00 at the door). Doors open at 6:30 PM (Proceeds benefit the charity "Band Together Pittsburgh; Creating Music with persons on the Autism Spectrum"
You can download the album, "A Very Yinzer Christmas" right now! for a donation you can receive the Zip file of the collection of songs created especially for this Christmas! (Proceeds benefit "Band Together Pittsburgh, the charity that helps persons on the autism spectrum through music and warm, happy community).
And, TONIGHT (Tuesday, November 15) at 7:00 PM is another great session of Steamworks Spirit Station. A refreshing, relaxing hour of music and inspiration.
Tonight's guest musicians are Ms. Stacy Lucas, accompanied by Mr. Michael Huston.
Pastor Greg's practical, spiritual message is about "Letting the Light Shine Out!"
These sessions are free of charge (donations for Steamworks or Way Stations Ministries are gratefully accepted). You may attend in person at the fantastic Steamworks Creative Listening Room (doors open at 6:30). Or you can tune in via Facebook Live (Search Steamworks Spirit Station on Facebook, or go to the Steamworks Creative Facebook page.
The stores are already decorating and playing Christmas music. Let's help make the season bright, together, tonight! Grace, Good Health, Wisdom, Love, Joy and Peace, Greg Greg Spencer, |
November 15, 2022 | WSM Email Devotion    By Greg Spencer © 2022 All Rights Reserved Worldwide. |
“Now after John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the good news of God and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.” (Mark 1: 14-15, NRSV)
Is this a good time? The elections are over, soon the count will be complete, yet, the political competition continues. Anxiety and bad news surrounds and blares at us. It doesn’t feel good. When will it be a “good time”? Isn’t it interesting that when Jesus hears the terrible news that his cousin John has been arrested, Jesus begins his ministry proclaiming “the good news”? What’s up with that? When do we need “the good news” most? Is it not when times are hard, and dark and cold; when times seem “bad”? Do we not most want light to shine, when darkness is all around, and perhaps all we see? Is not the greatest comfort we can imagine, feel, remember and hope for, to be the presence of God and the blessing of love, when we are most alone? Many today only believe what they see on TV or social media. Many see only the darkness and wallow and rage in misery. But it doesn’t have to be that way. The message of Christ is when times are at their worst, God and God’s kingdom is most powerful and near. For those who hope, love and believe, the light shines from within, not without. They do not need everything to be right with the world, before they can feel better. We know how to live well, always. For too long, too many, have allowed too much bad to fill hearts, minds, soul, spirit and home. It hasn’t helped. No wonder God who cares, and Jesus who loves, comes exactly now, and points out the opposite, helps to see feel and receive “the Good news” and enjoy the good life again. Of course, it is up to us. God never takes away our options. We can continue in anxiety, anger, rage and dismay; but why would we? Why do they? Why scratch, and crawl for crumbs, when we can sit at the table? Let’s change our ways of thinking, seeing, hearing, and believing, and so receive “the good news” and live and abide in peace, love, and joy. If that is how good life can be, why wouldn’t we? In one hand is offered our favorite dessert, in the other if offered a cold rough-sided stone. In one is love friendship and belonging, in the other we go on alone. Is it really that hard a choice to make? Is the lousy familiar really better than the promise of good life in the kingdom of God? I don’t think so! The real question is, "Do You?" |