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20221108 Way Stations Devo

20221108 Way Stations Devo
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Dear Visitor,

Good Election Day to you, my Friends!

For our devotion today, I offer a prayer for this Election Day, and going froward from here.

Grace, Good Health, Wisdom, Love, Joy and Peace,


Greg Spencer,

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November 8, 2022 |  WSM Email Devotion    By Greg Spencer © 2022 All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

“We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28)

Dear God, Father, Son, & Holy Spirit; Please bless the USA today, we pray.

Bless all who have and are giving their vote, in all the elections of this day; casting their ballots for those they think best, for themselves and for the nation. Through all of us together, and by your spirit, may these important decisions be made.

Bless this land and people with peace, patience, and grace, as we vote, and as we wait for the results. Bless us with faith, to know your will is being done in our midst, and through this process.

Bless all the workers at all election stations, Help them do their best, with this great trust we place in them to care for our elections and count. May they serve well, experience and know our gratitude and support. Bless and protect them, guide and direct them and may they rest easy, when their work is done.

Bless all the candidates, of all the races who offered themselves to lead. Regardless of outcome, may they be devoted and serve. We are grateful for their offering of themselves and their service; and regardless of decision, we are all needed to go forward.

May all candidates support our process and its results, knowing that you are with us all, and in the decision we make. May we all work to support our process, and keep the peace, trusting that the decisions we make today are in your will, and support the decisions all of us together have made.

Bless all who are concerned and pray, today, O God. Let us not be angry or afraid. Help us to celebrate this wonderful way to select our leaders. Help us to trust the integrity of those who serve us, and support the democracy and freedom of this great land and people.

Let your will be done, and as results become known, let us come together, work together, and grow together, as one great community under God. Let us by our support, prove the power and greatness of this democracy, our way of life, leadership and service.

Deliver us from the darkness, storms, and conflict, into the peace and calm of the new day. Be with us throughout, we pray. At the end of the day may we relax and rest, grateful that we have done our part, faithful to our nation and way of life, faithful to you and to each other, that tomorrow we may go forward with hope, laying aside our differences, and building the future with peace.

In the name of the Savior, and all the names, and ways we know you, dear God; we pray. We ask your blessing, guidance and help; and we devote ourselves, together to serve with vision, faith, hope and love. And we trust and believe through you, all will be well. Amen!


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