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20221107 Way Stations Devo

20221107 Way Stations Devo
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Dear Visitor,

Good Morning Friends,

Below is today's thought for our devotion.
Tomorrow, for many, will be a big day.
Allow me to invite you to join us for a relaxing, enjoyable, inspiring early evening:
Check out the Steamworks Spirit Station, Tuesday, November 8, 7:00 PM. (In-person at Steamworks Creative Listing Room, Rt 8, Gibsonia, PA, or on Facebook Live at the Steamworks Facebook Page.)
Our Musical Guest this week is Ms. Jenna Glass,. You will love her voice and selections, to comfort, encourage and lift spirits.
The spiritual message is about "Loving Well to Live Well".

I hope you will join us!

Grace, Good Health, Wisdom, Love, Joy and Peace,



Greg Spencer,

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November 7, 2022  |  WSM Email Devotion    By Greg Spencer © 2022 All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

“love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor.” (Romans 12:10)

What affects one, affects all. One’s heart, mind, spirit, words and actions affect many, some obvious, some subtle, but all are impacted. Paul calls us to take responsibility, for the presentation of ourselves to the world. Followers of Christ, Disciples of Jesus, are first and foremost people of love, expressed in many ways, and not limited.

We do not all have to agree, usually we do not; but we do need to get along, living and working together. With faith, hope, and love as primary, disagreement does not dissolve into division or destruction.

Let us respect and care for each other, honoring God with every aspect of our lives. (Especially in decisions and actions that affect all our lives.)


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