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Good Morning! Here is today’s thought for your consideration and our devotion. FYI: the Twitter account associated with WayStations Ministries and Pastor Greg Spencer has been deactivated. Grace, Good Health, Wisdom, Love, Joy and Peace, Greg Greg Spencer, |
November 3, 2022 | WSM Email Devotion    By Greg Spencer © 2022 All Rights Reserved Worldwide. |
“But strive for the greater gifts. And I will show you a still more excellent way.” (I Corinthians 12:31)
We could use a more excellent way, wouldn’t you say? Attack and slander, anger and intimidation are easy, but consequences aren’t pretty, and memories are long. Is there not a way to get along without suffering? There has got to be a better, higher, more excellent way! How about, “When they go low, we go high”? Paul writes about relationships being the higher value, and love being the means. (see I Corinthians 13) After all, we will be dealing with each other for many more things than one; and sometimes we will need each other’s support. Does anyone remember the concept of “the greater good”? I think that means something that benefits more than “me and my group”; it means for the good of all. The more excellent, high, and greater way, is love . Let us pray God to help us get on the highway, and this time let us all be traveling together, in the right direction, and with kindness, patience and grace! |