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20221101 Way Stations Devo

20221101 Way Stations Devo
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Dear Visitor,

Good Day to you;

Here is today's thought for your conideration and our devotion.

Grace, Good Health, Wisdom, Love, Joy and Peace,


Greg Spencer,

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November 1, 2022  |  WSM Email Devotion    By Greg Spencer © 2022 All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35)

Do we not all want and need to love and be loved? But so many do not know how.

“Everyone will know”, because many may have heard of Jesus, stories of his life, love and teachings; so often though, what they see and experience is that so few do that!

It is distinctive, when experienced. It is enjoyed and appreciated (though not often expressed), and the stories are told, when people care for others, help each other, love and give (time, talent, heart, labor, resources, whatever) for the sake of the other, less for themselves (especially for those who do so in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ).

People who live by faith and love, save themselves, their neighbors, and the world. God always knows. Some will see and know. The faithful in their heart know; and for them, that is enough; they see the benefits they have given, and the difference it makes. They feel God’s smile. And they smile too!

(Those that do; we call them "Saints". Happy All Saint's Day!)


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